PS5 Pro: Release Date, Specs, and Price Expectations

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Written By Liam Robertson





As rumors and speculations about the PlayStation 5 Pro continue to swirl, it’s time to take a more in-depth look at Sony’s potential mid-generation console upgrade. We’ll consider its release date, specifications, possible pricing, and potential head-to-head hardware comparisons with the original PS5. Based on historical trends and recent reports, we can make educated guesses about what the PS5 Pro might entail and when it could hit the market.

Release Date

Given Sony’s history of mid-generation console refreshes, it’s likely that the PS5 Pro will follow a similar pattern. With the PS4 Pro released three years after the initial PlayStation 4, we can expect the PS5 Pro to be announced around 2023 or 2024. Some sources, like the RedGamingTech YouTube channel and TCL’s press conference, suggest a late-2023 release window, while others point to a 2024 release. Considering the ongoing popularity and supply shortages of the standard PS5, it’s possible that Sony might lean toward a 2024 release to ensure a more stable market environment.


Although there has been no official announcement regarding the PS5 Pro’s specifications, recent patents, job listings, and leaks offer some clues. A patent filed by PlayStation architect Mark Cerny suggests that Sony is working on accelerating ray tracing performance in video games, which could be a focus for the PS5 Pro’s hardware upgrade. An AMD job listing implies that a next-generation RDNA chipset might be in the works for the console.

The PS5 Pro could also feature a more powerful processor and an increased storage capacity compared to the original PS5’s 825GB. Some reports even hint at a removable disc drive, although this remains speculative. It’s also possible that the PS5 Pro will support liquid cooling to keep the console cool while handling more powerful processing capabilities.

Head-to-Head Hardware Comparison: PS5 vs PS5 Pro

While we can’t know for sure what the PS5 Pro’s specifications will be, we can make some educated guesses based on the information available:

  1. Graphics: The PS5 currently supports ray tracing, but the patent filed by Mark Cerny suggests that the PS5 Pro could significantly enhance this feature, offering even more realistic lighting and reflections in games.
  2. Processor: The PS5 is powered by a custom AMD Zen 2 CPU, but the PS5 Pro might incorporate a next-generation RDNA chipset, leading to faster processing times and more efficient performance.
  3. Storage: The PS5 comes with 825GB of storage, but the PS5 Pro could potentially increase the storage capacity to meet the growing demand for larger game file sizes.
  4. Cooling: The PS5 uses a combination of air cooling and a heat sink to manage temperatures. The PS5 Pro could introduce liquid cooling, allowing for better temperature management with more powerful components.

Sources of Information and Rumors

Several sources have contributed to the speculation surrounding the PS5 Pro. The RedGamingTech YouTube channel, known for accurate leaks in the past, has suggested a late-2023 release window. TCL’s press conference in May 2022 also hinted at a PS5 Pro launch in 2023 or 2024. A patent filed by Mark Cerny provides insight into potential ray tracing improvements, while an AMD job listing points to the development of a next-generation RDNA chipset for consoles.


While the original PS5 launched with a $499 price tag, we can expect the PS5 Pro to come at a higher cost due to its improved graphics, better processor, and potentially other advanced features. Based on previous Pro models and the speculated improvements, the PS5 Pro’s price could range from $599 to $699 when it is released. Although this might seem steep, the enhanced capabilities of the PS5 Pro could set a new standard for modern consoles and justify the increased cost.


Taking into account historical trends, recent reports, and the information gathered from various sources, it’s reasonable to expect the PlayStation 5 Pro release date to be announced around 2023 or 2024. With potential improvements in graphics, processing power, storage, and cooling, the PS5 Pro could provide gamers with an even more immersive and high-quality gaming experience. However, these upgrades would likely come at a higher price point, possibly ranging from $599 to $699.

As we await official announcements from Sony, it’s essential to remember that the information in this article is based on rumors and speculation. Until Sony confirms the existence of the PS5 Pro, along with its specifications and release date, we can only make educated guesses about what the future holds for the next generation of PlayStation gaming.