Neo Berlin 2087 Revealed as a New Sci-Fi Action RPG Using Unreal Engine 5

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Written By Liam Robertson





Elysium Game Studio Reveals First Gameplay Trailer for Neo Berlin 2087

Elysium Game Studio has announced the development of its upcoming sci-fi action RPG, Neo Berlin 2087, with the release of its first gameplay trailer. Set in a dark future vision of Berlin, Neo Berlin 2087 is a blend of first-person and third-person perspectives that combine shooter, stealth, and role-playing game mechanics. The game will be using the cutting-edge Unreal Engine 5 and is set to be released in 2024 for PC and PS5.

A Cinematic Detective Thriller with Heart-Wrenching Moral Dilemmas

Neo Berlin 2087 is described as a cinematic detective thriller that revolves around heart-wrenching moral dilemmas and immersive investigations. Players will take on the role of a detective in a cyberpunk metropolis shielded by massive walls from its devastated surroundings. The game is set in the year 2087, where technological advancements and cyberization have divided society into a two-class system. The rich rule over the city, while the poor fight for survival inside the slums and in the deadly wasteland outside the city walls.

Unique Gameplay and Breathtaking Visuals Powered by Unreal Engine 5

Neo Berlin 2087 promises unique gameplay built on a blend of first and third-person perspectives, allowing players to customize their character’s abilities and weapons for their preferred play style. The game features a vast array of shooter, stealth, and role-playing game mechanics, along with breathtaking visuals powered by Unreal Engine 5. The game’s setting and its citizens, plagued by corruption, inequality, and cyberization, are realized with unparalleled realism and immersion.

A Glimpse of Neo Berlin 2087 Gameplay and Bullet Time Mechanic

The reveal trailer of Neo Berlin 2087 gives us a glimpse of its gameplay, with constant switches between third and first-person perspectives, especially during combat situations. The footage also seems to hint at a bullet time mechanic that allows players to dive in slow motion while firing at enemies. The game’s graphics do look impressive thanks to Unreal Engine 5, but some frame rate drops within the trailer do affect the first impression of the game. However, there is still time to rectify issues before launch.

Neo Berlin 2087 Available for Wishlist on PS5 and Steam

Players can now wishlist Neo Berlin 2087 on PS5 and Steam, with its release date set for 2024. The game promises to combine the best elements of science fiction in a way that has never been experienced before, offering players a unique and immersive cyberpunk experience in a futuristic Berlin. Elysium Game Studio, a small development team, is sure to deliver a game with heart, soul, and ambition, making Neo Berlin 2087 a highly anticipated title for the sci-fi action RPG genre.

In conclusion, Neo Berlin 2087 is an upcoming sci-fi action RPG that promises to offer a unique and immersive experience to players. Developed by Elysium Game Studio using Unreal Engine 5, the game features a mix of first and third-person perspectives with shooter, stealth, and role-playing game mechanics. Set in a cyberpunk metropolis shielded by massive walls, Neo Berlin 2087 revolves around heart-wrenching moral dilemmas and immersive investigations, with breathtaking visuals powered by Unreal Engine 5. The game is available for wishlist on PS5 and Steam, and is set to be released in 2024. With its ambitious scope and unique blend of gameplay mechanics, Neo Berlin 2087 is sure to capture the attention of fans of the sci-fi action RPG genre.