Defeating the Stone Guardian: Kena: Bridge of Spirits

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Written By Liam Robertson





Welcome to our in-depth guide on how to vanquish the Stone Guardian, one of the formidable bosses in Kena: Bridge of Spirits. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the enemy’s moves, essential upgrades, and effective strategies to ensure your victory against this stony adversary.

Tips for Overcoming the Stone Guardian

The Stone Guardian presents a unique challenge, as inflicting significant damage requires specific tactics. Due to its stone armor, you must first focus on obtaining two crucial upgrades: the Rob Bomb, which slows down time within its blast radius, and the Focus upgrade for your bow.

The Battle Plan: Exploit Weaknesses with Bombs

The key to defeating the Stone Guardian lies in using bombs to expose its yellow diamond weak points. Once revealed, quickly shoot them to chip away at its health. Each successful hit on a weak spot will reduce approximately an eighth of the boss’s health.

To make the most of this strategy, use the Focus move to give yourself ample time to aim and shoot at the weak points. A well-placed Rot Bomb can provide even more time, making the task of defeating the Stone Guardian easier.

Managing Minions and Courage

Throughout the battle, minions will relentlessly attack you. Defeating these enemies grants you the Courage needed to execute bomb moves. It’s crucial to strike a balance between fending off minions to gather Courage and avoiding the Stone Guardian’s attacks.

Dodging the Stone Guardian’s Attacks

The Stone Guardian’s arsenal of moves is relatively easy to evade compared to other bosses. Here’s a rundown of its attacks and how to dodge them:

  1. Stone Toss: The Guardian hurls a stone directly at you. Dodge to either side or use your shield to block it.
  2. Wild Swings: When the Guardian throws its arms back, it’s preparing for left and right swings. Parry, shield, or simply run away to avoid damage.
  3. Ground Pound: If the Guardian lifts a leg, it’s about to pound the ground. Run away or dodge backward to evade.
  4. Ground Slam: When the Guardian jumps, it’s preparing to slam into the ground. Run away or dodge backward to prevent damage.

Advanced Battle Stage

When the Stone Guardian’s health drops to half, it will release a powerful outward blast. If you see the boss turning red, run away immediately. Following this, the Stone Guardian gains a new move: a ground eruption. This attack involves slamming the ground and causing wooden spikes to erupt. Keep your distance and watch out for red projectile bombs that can cause direct and area-of-effect damage.

Healing and Victory

Utilize the two healing flowers on the battlefield as necessary to maintain your health. Persevere in executing the strategies outlined above, and you’ll successfully conquer the Stone Guardian.

Upon defeating the Stone Guardian, you’ll be rewarded with the Hammer Relic. Congratulations, and prepare for the next challenge in Kena: Bridge of Spirits!