Understanding Diablo 4 PS5: How to Save Your Game Progress

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Written By Liam Robertson





When it comes to playing Diablo 4 on the PS5, gamers often have questions regarding the game’s saving mechanism. This guide is here to answer one of the most common queries: “How to save in Diablo 4 PS5?” With its progressive saving system, the process is slightly different than the traditional manual saves we are used to. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can ensure your game is saved.

Diablo 4 operates on a system where game progress is saved progressively. This means there’s no need to worry about forgetting to save manually before ending your gaming session. Every achievement, loot pick-up, and character progression is automatically recorded by the game as you play. Unlike other games, Diablo 4 doesn’t include manual save or save slots. Instead, it employs an auto-save feature, ensuring that all of your gaming accomplishments are securely saved.

However, there are specific steps you need to follow to ensure your game is properly saved before you decide to exit Diablo 4 on your PS5:

  1. Begin by pressing the ‘pad’ button on your PS5 controller. This will take you to the main menu of Diablo 4.
  2. Once you’re in the main menu, use the L1 or R1 buttons to navigate the tabs. You’re looking for the ‘game’ tab, so make sure you navigate to that.
  3. After you have navigated to the ‘game’ tab, use the directional arrows on your controller to find the ‘leave game’ option.
  4. Upon finding the ‘leave game’ option, select it. The game will then initiate the leaving process.
  5. You have two options here: you can either wait for the game to automatically exit, which will ensure that all your recent progress has been saved, or you can press the square button to leave immediately. Pressing the square button speeds up the process, but still, your game progress up to that point will be saved.

Remember, in Diablo 4, the game’s progressive save system handles all the saving for you, making it easier for you to focus on your gaming experience. Following these steps will ensure your game is properly saved when you decide to stop playing Diablo 4 on your PS5.

While Diablo 4 PS5’s unique saving mechanism might feel unusual for players accustomed to manual save systems, it is an effective way of ensuring you never lose any progress. So, next time you delve into the thrilling world of Diablo 4 on PS5, remember these tips on how to save your game progress.